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United Through Education

Familias Unidas Flier Fall 2020  HOOVER

Familias Unidas memo about Program de Familias Unidas

Families United Virtual Classes In response to the coronavirus pandemic, United through Education (Familias Unidas) will offer virtual classes that will guide and support families in the transition to effective distance learning. We will help parents learn how to support and help their children achieve success by focusing on the academic, social-emotional and physical aspects of a healthy life.

Parents will learn how to help their children be successful in distance learning by incorporating technology to participate in online classes, maintain effective communication with their child's teacher and school staff, and know how to access resources communities that provide financial and health support.

Familias Unidas provides personalized family support through individual phone calls to help with the transition to an online platform for virtual classes. Together, Hoover and Familias Unidas will do everything possible to support your children's education.  register here

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United through Education


United through Education

We look forward to working with the Hoover School community for our virtual classes. I have attached the flier with the information for the classes.

Parent engagement during distance learning is more important than ever and we would like to help as many families through this challenging time, so I ask that you please share this opportunity with your teachers so they can recommend families that would benefit from these workshops. To make it easier, I have included a write-up you can share with your staff about the class. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, United through Education (Familias Unidas), will offer virtual classes that guide and support the families through the transition to effective distance learning. We will help parents learn how to support and help their children achieve success, focusing on the academic, social emotional, and physical aspects of a healthy life. Parents will learn how to help their children succeed at distance learning by incorporating technology to engage online classes, maintain effective communication with their children’s teacher and school staff and know how to access community resources that provide economic and health support. Familias Unidas provides personalized family support through individual phone calls to help with the transition to an online platform for virtual classes. Together, we do all we can to be advocates for their children’s education.

We have held virtual classes since March and the participants are grateful for the support they receive with their children's education and critical resources related to COVID-19. They also benefit from the social support aspect of belonging to a community during a time where there is limited social interactions. Here are some comments from some of the participants: 

“It is a group of great support for the entire community, since they keep us informed about all the resources available for our children to reach their goals. And in these difficult times of COVID 19, they have been of great support to the community, as they guide us and inform us. All the tools they provide help us stay strong for our children during these very difficult times.”

“[My favorite part] was being with my children- we dance, we sing ,we draw, we paint and we read. My daughter was practicing math. We did a lot of things, but more than anything we learned to be united.”

“They kept us informed on how to prevent the spread of COVID 19, supported us with information about community resources, and offered many academic tools for home learning with our children.”

“An excellent experience. Familias Unidas taught me to continue reading with my daughter. It taught me not to stop our reading despite being tired from work because I have the motivation that one day my daughter can be a professional [career]. Thank you very much for the opportunity and this experience.”

Call to Action Registration is now open and we need your help! Please share this information with families that you feel are in need of support to effectively engage in distance learning. All families regardless of current comfort levels with technology are welcome. We will provide both group and individual support to enrolled families. Please continue to engage with them to make sure that they are implementing the lessons learned so that we can all continue to focus on the development of our students.

Thank you for your support and partnership.